Alsi ki pinniyan is a winter snack. These are made in winter because alsi is a thermogenetic food which means it has a hot influence on body. In winter we consume such foods which provide a warm effect to the body so we can protect ourselves from the effects of the cold season. Alsi ki pinniyan have its own importance in terms of health benefits. These provide a lot of health benefits.
Nutrition in one Alsi pinna: Calories: 215kcal, Carbohydrates: 17g, Fats: 10g, Proteins: 9g (These values are approximate calculations that vary with ingredients)
Ingredients of Alsi ki pinniyan / flax seeds nutrition balls:
Flax seeds:
It is the main ingredient of these balls.
Desi Ghee:
It is added as a liquid medium to form balls. It has high nutritional value as well.
As a source of sweetness but its liquid form also helps in binding all the ingredients.
Wheat flour:
Wheat flour is added to enhance the nutritional value.
Dry fruits:
As a source of nutrients and taste.
What are the nutritional benefits of alsi/ flex seeds?
- Flex seeds are a good source of fatty acids and organic acids
- These seeds are rich sources of vitamins E,K, C B1, B3, B5, B6
- Flex seeds are a good source of minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc.
- It is a source of dietary fiber, proteins, and antioxidants.
- One tbsp of flaxseeds has 37 calories, fiber 2g, proteins 1.3g , carbohydrates 2g, and fats 3g
What are the health benefits of alsi/ flax seeds?
- Lower the risk of cancer.
- It plays a role in energy metabolism.
- Flaxseeds are good for brain development.
- Flaxseeds are good for heart health.
- It prevents constipation and regular bowel movements.
- Helps to lower blood pressure.
- It reduces cholesterol
- Stabilize blood sugar levels.
- Good in weight loss journey.
Here you can find recipes of other sweet dishes to try
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- Dry roast dry fruits in a frying pan.
- dry roast flex seeds.
- Grind coarsely flex seeds and dry fruits.
- Take 200g of desi ghee in a pan and melt it.
- Add wheat flour in it, and mix well so no lumps remains.
- cook it until the oil separates or the fragrance of roasted wheat comes.
- Then add ground alsi and dry fruits in it and mix well.
- Cook for 4 to 5 minutes more.
- Take gur in a separate pan add 4-5 tbsp of water in it and melt it over low flame.
- mix melted gurr in alsi mixture.
- Make small balls of this mixture.
- alsi ki pinniyan are ready to be eaten.
- Preserve them in air tight containers.
Keep flame low when adding wheat flour to ghee so it may not stick to the bottom of the pan. If balls are not forming then add a small amount of melted ghee in it again. you can use shakkar in place of gurr.