Here we are going to present a classic restaurant-style Chicken Parmesan recipe. Chicken Parmesan is perfect for a busy weeknight you can add it to your dinner meal. It’s a quick and healthy option. It’s an Italian dish you can serve it with your favourite sauce like tomato or white pasta sauce or with melted mozzarella cheese. Following this recipe will end up with a restaurant-style crispy tender chicken.
Nutrition Facts of Chicken Parmesan
Calories | 324 |
Cholesterol | 86 |
Sodium | 852 |
Potassium | 466 |
Total Carbohydrates | 17 |
Dietary Fiber | 1.4 |
Sugars | 4.4 |
Protein | 26 |
Vitamin A | 9.8% |
Calcium | 13% |
Iron | 6% |
How much time it will take to burn off 324 Calories?
It depends on your physical activity and your exercise routine.
If you are walking then it will take 87 minutes.
If you are running to burn off your calories then it may take 31 minutes approx.
Bicycling will burn 324 calories within 45 minutes.