Recipe of chicken biryani

recipe of chicken biryani
Yields: 5 Servings Difficulty: Medium Prep Time: 20 Mins Cook Time: 50 Mins Total Time: 1 Hr 10 Mins

Biryani , a perfect blend of ingredients  that have  tempting flavor and aroma. It is a traditional dish in Pakistan and India. There are many varieties of biryani like Sindhi biryani , Karachi biryani, Bombay biryani , Hyderabadi biryani, Chicken biryani, Mutton biryani  etc. these different varieties originates due to different localities , their taste preferences and different assortments of ingredients. This is an authentic recipe of chicken biryani.


Calories 360
Carbohydrates 31% or 111.6 calories
Fats 29% or 104 calories
Proteins 20%  or   72 calories
Sodium 7%   or    25 calories
Sugar 3.2% or   11.52 calories
Fiber 1.4% or   5.04 calories
Cholesterol 6%    or   21.6 calories
Other minerals 2%  or     7.2 calories


Biryani is being served with mint raita and is famous due to its unique combo of ingredients  and preparation method.


Nutritional benefits:

As biryani contains dam boiled rice so diet conscious people  need not to worry about its  calories . A single plate of biryani provides all the necessary nutrients to the body. Chicken and rice is a source of proteins . Oil is a source of carbohydrate and spices which add mouth watering flavor to biryani are source of minerals and vitamins.

Health Benefits

Turmeric helps in digestion. Ginger prevents bloating and nausea. Cumin is anti bacterial and anti inflammatory and act as cleaning spice. Cumin also improves digestion. Onions and garlic contain sulfur compounds that helps to protect from cancer. Ginger kills cancerous cells in body. These spices also have antioxidative properties.

Who should avoid biryani?

Although biryani is good for health but it is not healthy for peptic ulcers and gastric patients.


other chicken recipes of chicken includes zaitoon chicken, chicken zinger, chicken parmesan cheese and many more.



0/23 Ingredients
Adjust Servings
  • biryani masala preparation


0/1 Instructions
    Biryani Masala Preparation Layering of boiled rice and biryani curry Biryani curry preparation Rice boiling
  • Add a layer of boiled rice in cooking pot then a layer of curry then add a few drops of orange food color then again add a layer of boiled rice and curry  and at end add a layer of boiled rice then add few drops of orange food color and three to four table spoons of lemon juice. Lemon juice enhances the flavor . Add fried onions on top. Then rice pot is put on dam for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes turn off the flame and mix rice. and delicious biryani is ready to be served